Why Small Change?



There are lots of personal trainers out there. Not as many Medical Exercise Specialists. Tons of people who claim to know “the” key to your success with exercise, weight loss, and lifestyle change.

Well, I don’t have “the” answer because there isn’t one.

No two people are alike. No two people will need exactly the same types of exercise or eating style because no one is genetically the same nor do they live the same way or have the same likes and dislikes, time on their hands or personalities.

You’ve probably already experienced this if you’ve ever been to an exercise class or boot camp or belonged to a diet group. What seemed to work beautifully for someone else seemed to be too strenuous or too restrictive or too much of a time hog to you. Maybe the instructor yelled like a drill sergeant or pranced and perked like a Barbie while you just felt like a beached whale. Or a meal plan called for eating foods you hate or prep time that wouldn’t possibly fit into your schedule.

My hope is that at Small Change you find that you don’t have to disrupt your life or destroy your joints or feel like a failure–because at Small Change, I’ll educate, not berate and I’ll work with you as an individual, not assume you’re part of a pack.

The name is the philosophy: with small changes, you can work your way toward your larger goals whatever they may be:

  • Maybe you want to work more hours in your garden without an aching back the next day.
  • Maybe you want to play with the grandkids on the floor and be able to get back up without help.
  • Maybe you know you are eating poorly or carrying extra pounds and you just aren’t sure how to change that in a way that will be sustainable for you.
  • Or maybe you’re coming back from an injury and are done with physical therapy but know that you really aren’t back to being at your best.

Don’t call me because I have “the” answer; work with me because I will help you find “your” answer.



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